Does Social Media Mean Cancel Culture?

In this modern world of mass communication, it has become easier for individuals to get in touch. Through social media, people are able to communicate through messages, pictures and videos. Social media can be used as an advertising platform, activist accounts, or for personal hobbies.             The downside being how easy it is for reputations to be destroyed within seconds on any social media platform. 

   A simple screenshot of something meant to stay private has the power to spread rumors and even facts very quickly. 

   When having conversations that talk about controversial topics, remembering that anything can be leaked to a broader audience is key. In this day and age, things people can say will inevitably get spread, and sometimes be taken out of context or twisted to fit a different narrative.

   Nowadays social media is “a way of expressing yourself so it’s just another way to be judged” remarks senior Lena Tomko. 

   Minding what you say–even in private conversation–is crucial when it comes to social media use. Going by a general guideline that you should always speak as if what you say will be reached by thousands of people coming from different demographics is wise. 

   There is no way to please everyone on the internet, and people will always spread hate; however, keeping in mind all of the connotations that your words have before you speak is a sure way to make it so that you don’t come across a “cancelable” statement. 

Due to the several facts of a situation some people think “It’s good that people are being held responsible, but they should not be cancelled for it” states freshman Anai Benitez.