Winter Solstice Celebrated

  As the weather grows colder and anxious families anticipate the holiday season, Dec. 21 marks the end of autumn and the first day of winter. From there, the days will only get longer and the nights will only get shorter.

 For some, one of the most nerve-wracking Winter Solstices was in 2012. This marked the day many thought would be the world’s last. Sophomore Kayla Schmick says that even though she was really young, she “did not think it was going to end.” The shortest day of the year was to line up with the end of the ‘Great Cycle’ of the Mayan calendar and thus created the idea of the world’s end.

  When the earth’s population is not anticipating its end, some will celebrate the darkest day of the year by watching the exceptionally early sunset with friends and family. Junior Carlos Ramirez says, “I’ll probably watch it. Hopefully it will be a good one.”

  Despite religious fear surrounding the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012, people across the world continue to celebrate the shortest day of the year.