Behind the Slates
With Convention right around the corner on March 8, we interviewed this year’s Slates: 2, 3, 4, and 5 about their motivations, plans, and hopes for their election and beyond. The Dragon’s Tale will provide continued coverage of Convention and the ASB election as it develops.
Running Groups:
SLATE 2: Victoria Hernandez for Student Voice, Deyanira Arteaga Hernandez for Activities Director, Connor Cheeseman for Financial Advisor, Thinley Sherpa as Campaign Manager
SLATE 3: Mia Luchetti for Student Voice, Genevieve Smith for Activities Director, Annabel Sebastiani for Financial Advisor, Remy Harrison as Campaign Manager
SLATE 4: Alexandra(Alexa) Franco for Student Voice, Alexandra(Alexa) Lucas-Lopez for Activities Director, Patricia Gomez for Financial Advisor, Roberto Aguilar as Campaign Manager.
SLATE 5: Ingrid Derby for Student Voice, Luis Cardenas for Activities Director, Briana Zenon for Financial Advisor, Cris Rivera as Campaign Manager.
What about Convention are you most excited for?
2: “I think we’re all a little nervous, but we’ve been preparing for weeks; We’re ready to go. From now on, we’re just ready for the ride.” – Connor Cheeseman
3: “I will have to say our lipsync is pretty cool so I’m really excited to perform that and have the spotlight on us and how it turns out” – Mia Luchetti
4: “I’m most excited to see kids, the students, excited. I want to see their spirit.”
5: “I think this year, it’s more exciting than last year because we have more slates running. Last year there were only two groups. This year there’s a lot of fun and everyone participating this year is really qualified. We’re all a lot of fun, so that’s what makes it more exciting. Because all of the slates have a good potential to change the school in different ways.” – Briana Zenon
What is your overall goal if you win?
2: “A lot of people focus on school spirit but in order to get people to have school spirit, we really need to have people feel included; include the Latinx community, include Creekside, include marginalized students, include LGBTQ students. Inclusion leads to more school spirit, leads to more school involvement. It’s all about making school feel [like] a safe space to be.” – Vicky Hernandez
3: “to bring our overall student body together, it feels pretty divided. We have a lot of issues that we need to deal with as a whole” – Annabel Sebastiani
4: “[We] want to include more culture” “[We also] want to bring back school spirit.”
5: “I think just [making] student voices [be] heard through admin because there’s a lot of great ideas here and I think we wanna be more like people that students can come to and share ideas and feel comfortable. We wanna make school a comfortable place.” – Ingrid Derby
Why should student’s vote for you?
2: Our qualifications. We have an upper hand with everything we have done for our school and what we can provide.” – Thinley Sherpa / “At least one of us(Thinley) has some leadership in high school.” – Deynaria Artega Hernandez/”You need someone with experience to run the [Leadership class].” – Thinley Sherpa
3: “ I think students should reach out to us because we want to reach out to every students voice on campus and i also feel like we are a good group of motivated individuals and we have many goals and plans for the future, that we will implement those” – Mia Luchetti
4: “We have great listening skills. We will be on top of what you ask us.” “We are a very fun [running group].”
5: “That we reach different groups, you know? On paper we don’t necessarily have leadership experience… But I think that’s what sets us apart because we’re from a different perspective [aside from] being in a leadership class. We’ve seen it. We know what people say about certain events and how we feel about certain things on campus [and] I think that’s what makes us different.” -Briana Zenon
What motivated you to run for Slate?
2: “I’d have to say the lack of representation… and favoritism.” – Deyanira Artega Hernandez
“I wanted to run so Asian-American students can have in this school. I really just want to see someone in Slate that is Asian-American and who understands [our] point of view. [Asian representation] needs to be noticed by our [school] culture” – Thinley Sherpa
3: “My sister went here a few years ago, and I went to convention a few years ago. So she was super involved in it. It was so fun and they brought a lot of changes to the school campus” – Mia Luchetti
4:“We feel like this school needs a little change, and we want to participate in those changes, make sure they are done right.” “[One of those changes] is the bathroom.” “We do understand that [there are issues] that we don’t have total control of.”
5: “Well there was a big need for it… It was an opportunity and it was presenting itself… I remember [past Conventions] and just seeing it was a lot of fun and I just wanted to be apart of it.” – Brianna Zenon
What have you learned from our current Slate(Slate 1- Student Voice Oliver Dorantes, Activities Director Lauren Johnston, and Financial Advisor Derek Hernandez)?
2: “I’ve learned that there are a lot of girls, as seen during Powder Puff, who want to be involved in sports on this campus, but a lot of the time they are overshadowed by boys’ sports.” – Vicky Hernandez
3: “I think just to be as friendly as possible to them. Like you can go up to talk to them” – Genevieve Smith
4: “[We] learned to honestly have fun through this experience, no competition between the other slates. It’s about fun, enjoying the experience”
5: “I think they had good ideas this year, like for homecoming and for like ideas for it. And I don’t know- juist for being more responsible for school and more respect for admin.”- Luis Cardenas

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