Senior Parking Spot Policies in the Works


Nick Tuttle

Senior Sam Pierce walks to his car after school.

Leadership has come up with a new parking lot policy to benefit upperclassmen. Their plan revolves around creating numbered parking spots, ones that if approved, students would be able to decorate. 

There are certain guidelines laid out by Admin, but Student President Sam Cutting elaborates that, “we should be able to pick our numbers, so that it’s not a random draw and students can be near their friends.” 

The Leadership class has been planning this for some time. Treasurer Luc Rulmont is “hoping it will be implemented by the new year.” At the moment Leadership is debating whether the reserved senior parking spots should be scattered around the lot, or grouped which would divide the parking lot from juniors and seniors.

While Leadership is working out the details, they seem to place most of the choices in the hands of the senior class. Rulmont went on to explain that “the senior class decides.”