Slate 1: Lani Delorfice (Student Voice), Violet Cowles (Activities Director), Sami McGrane (Financial Advisor), Isla Tudisco (Campaign Manager)
Slate 2: Isabella Alverez (Student Voice), Siena Kelly (Activities Director), Riley O’Hara (Financial Advisor), Luciano (Campaign Manager)
Slate 4: Anuhea Breeland (Student Voice), Evelyn (Activities Director), Andrea (Financial Advisor), Yomy Celis Casas (Campaign Manager)
Slate 5: Kate Sutter (Student Voice), Karina Chavez (Activities Director), Tilly Francis (Financial Advisor), Mel Avina (Campaign Manager)
Slate 6: Charlotte King (Student Voice), Sofia DeTores (Activities Director), Dalan Lopata (Financial Advisor), Deandre Gonzalez (Campaign Manager)
3:31: The winner is Slate 4 by 2%!!
3:21: The final vote is in your school email. The whole school gets to vote between Slate 4 and Slate 6.
3:15: The final voting round begins as slates talk with audience members to encourage them to vote for them.
3:13: Slates do a cat walk to show off their new looks.
3:09: Delegates are selected to fuzzy each member of Slate 4 and 6.
2:55: Slates are given a list of dances they need to preform and the crowd then guesses what the dance is. Yomy Celis Casas starts it off with the sprinkler. Dalan Lopata follows up with the griddy. Anuhea Breeland then does the robot. Sofia DeTores does the renegade. Andrea hits the dougie. Dalan Lopata then preforms the worm.
2:48: Yomy Celis Casas from Slate 4 and Dalan Lopata from Slate 6 go head to head in a “Dress to Impress” inspired event. The theme is “fairytale” and they have to dress up using only the costume supplies given to them. Anuhea Breeland and Sofia DeTores battle next with the theme being “jungle.” Deandre Gonzalez and Andrea go up against each other next with the theme of “outer space.” Evelyn and Charlotte King dress up as “politicians.” Based off applause, Slate 4 won.
2:46: The student voices are given mystery script to practice giving morning announcements. The announcement was about seniors needing to sign up for Grad Night which may be canceled if 60 more students do not sign up.
2:42: Slate 6’s Student Voice, Charlotte King, emphasizes Slate 6’s diverse envolvement across campus. King also mentions bringing back Battle of the Bands, a cultural week where students can show off their culture throw flags and attire, as well as charity sport games.
2:39: Slate 4’s student voice, Anuhea Breeland, gives her speech. She highlights that she will “accommodate all students at SVHS.” She wants to bring back something similar to the previous No Name Cafe. She wants to encourage school spirit by creating a raffle for those who participates in spirit days.
2:23: The K10s give their final performance playing American Idiot by Green Day.
2:23: Esme replaces Ms. Dowdy in her questionnaire. She asks about how each slate will work with administration to address the use of slurs on campus. Anuhea Breeland from Slate 4 emphasizes that the use of slurs is “embarrassing” and “gross”. Slate 6 wants to bring more speakers to campus so students can hear different stories and build empathy. They will also use the intercom and broadcast to increase positivity. Esme announces the next question from Ms. Dowdy which is how they intend to decrease phone usage during school especially while in the bathrooms. Slate 6 intends to encourage teachers to offer extra credit when students put their phone up during class. Slate 4 mentions that restricting things entirely simply makes people want them more so they want students and teachers to be able to “meet half way” and be “flexible”. This would look like teachers allowing students to use their phone for a bit if it is important or an emergency.
2:21: Cris Rivera announces that the Nevada delegates won the best state poster. This victory earned Ms. Weissman’s 2nd period class a pizza party.
2:17: The final slates compete in “Name that Song.” They earn one point by naming the artist and one point for the song name.
2:15: The results are back and Slate 1 was voted out. They leave endorsing Slate 6.
2:10: The third voting section opens. Delegates vote for the Slate they want to win. This vote will bring us down to the final two slates.
2:04: Slates have 5 minutes to give their elevator pitch to individuals before the next vote.
1:50: Slates are given a list with different qualities that could apply to delegates. They have 5 minutes to find corresponding delegates and bring them on stage. For example, an item on the list could be “someone who is over 6 feet tall.”
1:40: Slate 3 asks the slates different questions about what they think about current SVHS environment and what they are willing to do to edit it. Some highlights of this conversation are: Slate 4 confirming that they want to encourage different learning environments so people can feel more comfortable at school as well as bringing back field trips, Slate 6 emphasizing that they want to bring back traditions that were lost due to COVID-19 such as Battle of the Bands, and Slate 1 bringing up the idea of clearing tardies by attending sports games instead of lunch detentions.
1:37: Slates had to come up with an excuse to as to why they were hypothetically out of class for 20 minutes. Eddie then chooses which he likes the best. Eddie chose Slate 4 who said “I was out of class for 20 minutes because I was talking with Eddie and Devon.”
1:34: The campus supervisor, Eddie, is invited on stage to ask him what he knows most about the slates. The questions are ones such as “Which slates did you see the most campaign posters for?” and “Who has not been in good standing?”
1:33: Delegates who have been fuzzied walk from stage down the catwalk.
1:28: Slate 6 was announced the winner of this hypothetical activity game. They combined a blind fold, mini muffins, and ring toss.
1:26: Esme announces the next game. The slates are given three lists with a variety of items such as mini muffins and a blind fold. Activities Directors are tasked to choose one item from each list to use in a hypothetic lunch time activity.
1:23: This speech is followed up by Slate 1’s sing-a-long to What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. They also called up fans to the stage.
1:20: Slate 1’s Activity Director, Violet Cowles gives her speech, despite disruption from noisy students. She mentions that she intends to bring back morning announcements to keep “everyone in the loop.”
1:17: Slate 6 floods the stage and sings Call me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen. Despite the music cutting out, the audiance kept their hype and sang nonetheless. They called students up on stage to dance with them.
1:16: Slate 4’s Activities Director, Evelyn, gives her speech in both english and spanish. She highlights her version of a more inclusive campus and one that loves all sports, not just “popular ones.”
1:11: Slate 6 follows their speech with their sing-a-long, encouraging viewers to sing That’s what I like by Bruno Mars with them. They called students up on stage to dance with them.
1:08 Student activity directors give speeches, starting with Slate 6. Slate 6’s student activity director, Sofia DeTores, comments on the value of hard work and perseverance.
1:04: Slate 3 walks down the runway, strutting their new look.
1:01: In a tribute to 2024’s convention, Slate 3 invites the slates that lost last year to come up on stage and fuzzy slate 3.
12:54: Slate 3 preforms their lip sync from last year. Featuring Danced to Yeah! By usher, Club Classics by Charli XCX, Lobegame by Lady Gaga, Umbrella by Rihanna, Girls Just Want to Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper, The Fall of Jake Paul by Logan Paul, The Spins by Mac Miller, as well as other songs.
12:52: Teagan Rhodes announces that Slate 2 did not receive enough votes to continue. They endorse slate 1.
12:07: Esme calls for a drumroll to announce the next slate but slaps her knee as she says it will be announced after lunch.
12:02: The next QR code is revealed so that delegates can vote for who they want to win. They have 5 minutes. In the mean time, Kendall Clemons and Esme Tellez exchange jokes with the audience and slates.
11:53: Slates have 10 minutes to wander around and pitch themselves to the audience before the next voting round.
11:48: Kendall Clemons works the “Cross the Line” game where slate members take a step forward if a statement applies to them. Statements range from “if you have attended a girls sport game this year” to “if you have hit a pole or caused an accident.”
11:36: Esme Tellez announces delegate states who should come onto the stage to show off their costumes. States explain their costume then head down the runway. Which ever state gets the most applause wins. Students are wearing inflatable cow costumes, hand sewn shirt, and Abraham costumes. Rhode Island won with their Family Guy costumes.
11:35: Teagan Rhodes announces that Andrea from Slate 4 won.
11:29: Teagan Rhodes, Slate 3’s Financial Advisor gives Financial Advisors a math problem and 3 minutes to solve it individually. Why they work, the K10s preform once more.
11:22: The Junior United States history teacher, Mr. Gibson, continues his annual tradition of asking specific slates specific questions. Questions range from “what advice would you give to your freshman self?” to “If you could be a character from the Star Wars Universe and why?”
11:20: Slate 6’s Dalan Lopata discusses his past handling money from his time as a captain of the SVHS boys lacrosse team as well as his assurance that he will read all documents carefully.
11:18: Sami McGrane gives her speech for slate 1. She will use money responsibly and efficiently.
11:17: Riley O’Hara gives his pitch for slate 2. He emphasizes that he will put money towards things students want.
11:16: Evelyn from Slate 4 gives her speech in both english and spanish. She ensures that she will make responsible decisions that will last the school years to come
11:15: Financial Advisor speeches begin.
11:05: Slates fill out the front stage as they hold photos of themselves. They will hold up the corresponding photo to answer the “Who is most likely to?” question given by slate 3. Examples of questions are “who is most likely to die in zombie apocalypse” and “Who is most likely to be TikTok famous?”. This event reveals that all of Slate 1 was kicked out of a Target while filming their campaign video.
11:03: Teagan Rhodes tallies up the score and finds that Slate 6 won the staff trivia game.
10:54: Slate three announces the next game: Staff trivia. Each slate is given a balloon that they will pop if they know the answer to a question about SVHS staff. They are asked questions such as “Name three staff that are SVHS allumni” and “What is the name Eddie’s book?”.
10:40: Dragon’s Court, the top ten academic students in the Class of 2025, as the slates questions that a fifth grade should know followed by general questions for audience members to better get to know slates ideas and policies.
10:39: Cris Rivera then calls for the security guard push up contest. Dante Gonzalez won
10:38: Slate 5 leaves the stage with a round of applause. They announce that they endorse slate 4.
10:36: Esme Tellez announces the slate that is still running: Slate 1, Slate 6, Slate 4, and Slate 2. This reveals that Slate 4’s “journey stops here”
10:30: A QR code is shown for audience members to vote who they want to win.
10:25: Before the first voting session, slates have 5 minutes to preach themselves to individual audience members.
10:24: Kike remarks about slate 6’s diversity with two Mexicans on their slate.
10:22: Slate 4’s fan states that they put “a lot of love and care into everything they do”, emphasizing that they “are full of life”.
10:21: Slate 2 Jimena Royal speaks for slate 2. She comments on their kindness and ability to stand up for others.
10:20: Junior, Valentina, talks for slate 1. She highlights their leadership and creativity.
10:18: Kendall Clemons explains the next event: a fan speech. Each slate will choose their biggest supporters who will join them on stage and have 30 seconds to voice why the audience should vote for their slate.
10:17: Esme notes that DeAndre Gonzalez won that competition because he got the most cheering.
10:12: Slate 4: Yomy Celis Casas, campaign manager, shares their rap. Followed by Luciano from slate 2, DeAndre Gonzalez from Slate 6, Isla Tudisco from slate 1, and slate 5’s Mel Avina.
10:12: Esme ends their time to write and randomly chooses which slate will preforms first.
10:09: As they write, Seniors, CrosLopez and Anthony DeTores, get on stage and lip sync Love by Keyshia Cole. The audience sways their phone flashlights back and forth with the beat.
10:08: Campaign Manager rap. Campaign Managers have three minutes to write a rap about their slate.
9:51: Slate 4 fills the satge with fake money spilling from their pockets. One of their members preforms as Pitbull with a bald cap and all. Through out their time on stage, they throw candy out to the crowd and summon audience members up to dance with them, sending them back once their rain money atop them. They finished it off with a sign saying “Vote 4 Slate 4”. They danced to Don’t Stop the Party by Pitbull, Danza Kuduro by Lucenzo, Chancadera Vol. 1 by Bass Knockin’, Minute of Lazy Days by Jaime Figureoa, Take a Hint by the Victorious Cast, La Carcacha by Selena y Los Dinos, Juju on that beat, and Girls Just Want to Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper.
9:48: Yomy Celis Casas Slate 4’s, Campaign Manager, says they are not afraid to stand out and wants SVHS to “shine brighter than before”. She also repeated her speech again in spanish.
9:44: Slate 2 shows their dance moves in their lipsync. They pass out orange flowers and finish off with glitter and confetti raining onto the audiance. They chose the songs: Diva by Beyonce, Want to Want Me by Jason Derulo, California Gurls by Katy Perry, Not Like Us by Kendrick Lamar, Finesse by Bruno Mars, Magic by Julia Luey, and Bye Bye Bye by NSYNC.
9:41: Slate 2’s campaign manager, Luciano, gives his speech. He lists the various qualifications slate 2 holds and states that if they win they will not only be winning to hold the title but to “take on the responsibilities that come with it”.
9:34: Slate 5 preforms their lip sync and dance. Tilly Francis uses a money gun as the rest of slate 5 throws pink roses and use their bubble machine hype up the crowd. They reveal that their shirts spell out “Vote Five”. They preformed to The Sweet Escape by Gwen Stefani, Starships by Nicki Minaj, Danza Kuduro by Lucenzo, 24k magic Bruno Mars, Beauty and a Beat by Justin Beiber, Gasolina (remix) by Thoor, Timber by Pitbull, Superstar by Jamelia, Valerie by Mark Ronson and Amy Winehouse, and Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond.
9:31: Slate 5’s campaign manager, Mel Avina, gives her speech. She states that she has full confidence in her slate as she as seen them step up time and time again on and off the soccer field.
9:28: Slate 6 floods the stage for their lip sync and dance. During their preformance, Deandre brings out blue roses to give to viewers and beachballs are thrown from the back of Golton Hall. They finish with confetti canons. They danced to sections of “Dirty Cash (Money Talks), Rock Your Body by Justin Timberlake, Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen, Fake ID by Big & Rich, My Boo by Ghost Town DJs, Nokia by Drake, Hips Dont Lie by Shakira, Maria Maria by Santana, Beauty and a Beat by Justin Bieber,”
9:26: Slate 6’s campaign manager, Deandre Gonzalez, highlights his eagerness to form an “enthusiastic and connected school community”.
9:18: Slate 1 preforms their lip sync and dance to Again by Fetty Wap, One Less Lonely Girl by Justin Bieber, Hotel Room by Pitbull, and Murder on the Dancefloor by Ellis-Bextor. Violet Cowles summons an audience member to be apart of their dance.
9:15: Slate 1’s Isla Tudisco starts off the campaign manager speechs. She emphasizes the slates goal of creating a school that encourages all interests and that “every student feels heard and valued”. She finished her speech with their catch phrase: “if you want something done, vote slate 1”
9:15: Slate 1’s Isla Tudisco starts off the campaign manager speechs. She emphasizes the slates goal of creating a school that encourages all interests and that “every student feels heard and valued”. She finished her speech with their catch phrase: “if you want something done, vote slate 1”
9:07: A student band called K-10, a name inspired by Mr. Steinberg, plays two song. John Kozac on drums, Audrey Clark on Bass, Liam Giroux-Smith on electric guitar, and Jorge Nicolas-Juarez on electric guitar. Audience claps along.
9:03: Senior, Jorge Nicolas-Juarez, preforms the national anthem on an electric guitar
9:01: Slates enter
8:58: Slate 3 introduces rules for delegates.
8:30: Delegates from history and english classes enter.
Ongoing Interviews:
Valeria Alvarez, Senior, Security guard: “Convention is so fun, and its my fist time participating in one. I believe Slate 5 will win.”
Yareli Juacinde, Senior, Security guard: “I have never participated in convention so I do not know what to expect”
Viva McCambridge, Senior, Yearbook Reporter: “It’s pretty dark in here but it’s pretty fun so far.”
Isabel Ruiz, Senior, Fuzzier: “I love getting people all fuzzed up since it’s my first time [at convention].”
Emily Guitterez, Senior: “[I think this is] very fun. I love the performances, they are so good!”
Jesus Reyes, Senior: “I really like the energy in here.”
Malia Kotoysuva, Junior: “[I am voting slate 4 because I like] what they were going to do for the school”
Maddy Alvarez, Sophomore, “Last year[s convention] was better”
Samantha Cruz, Senior, “I think [convention is very hype and coordinated perfectly.
Nicol Viola, Freshman, “[Connvention] amazing. It’s the funnest thing in high school.”