Throughout the two semesters of the 2023-2024 school year, all art media classes work on pieces that they can eventually choose to present at the Art Show held near the end of the school year. The artists can enter as many pieces as they wish and can sell them at the price they desire to. The money paid will all be given to the artists.
Art media such as photographs, paintings, and sculptures can be found in the art show. Throughout the school year, students are taught how to use different art media to create a piece of art. The chosen art is displayed from Tuesday, April 30 through May 2nd at Golton Hall.
Awards given by admin were presented to art pieces throughout Golton Hall. There were awards such as ‘best illustration’ given to Tessa Atencio, senior for her piece untitled and Solana Staes, senior who was awarded Best of Show and Best Sculpture and many more were given.
The Art show is a good and easy way to showcase the students’ art pieces. Every year there are paintings, drawings, and sculptures that vary in style and technique. The show is immensely popular with students and staff.