3-D Design and Metal teacher Mr. Anderson crowns senior Emma Griffiths as the winner of his annual tattoo competition. This competition requires students to design a possible tattoo for Anderson and vote amongst themselves. There are two rounds to determine the final contenders. Anderson explains how “Emma won more than half the votes for round one and then 63% for round two,” making her the resounding winner.
Anderson’s competition has been going on for 8 years, making Griffiths the 8th winner. “I started it to teach about the safety of tattooing,” he says. “I just thought it would be kinda fun for student engagement.” Thus far, it has proved to be an amazing way for students to express creativity and always brings out a large amount of participation.
Griffiths shares that she feels “very happy” to have won and that she “was looking forward to it.” The senior feels inspired to possibly pursue something similar in the future, such as being a tattoo apprentice. The drawing is of a brook trout, and Griffiths incorporated “a fly in the fish’s mouth because [Anderson] is the teacher for the fly-fishing club.” Overall, the competition was a large success and has continued to grow the art community at SVHS.