Floral design is not just arranging some flowers; it’s about creativity, nature, and expressing emotions. It’s a fun and easy class, taught by Ms.Gialketsis. The class is for everyone and a great option for an elective.
With the holiday season in full swing, students detailed their festive plans. “Right now, we’re making wreaths for people. We’re actually doing a fundraiser, selling holiday wreaths,” Deyanara Arteaga explained. The class’s hands-on approach extends beyond the festive season, with plans for Valentine’s Day bouquets and prom corsages.
The students explained the process, whether crafting bouquets or wreaths. “It’s not that hard. You just take whatever types of flowers you want, take your greenery, use floral wire, and wrap them all together,” explained Beau Jurasek.
The class embraces sustainability by incorporating locally sourced flowers, “Some of our flowers come from our greenhouse,” Deya shared.
The daily routine in floral design involves a warm-up session on Google Classroom, where students answer questions about what they learned in the previous class. “You learn about a new flower each day and end with doing something with that flower, or planting in the garden,” shared Rachael Shafer.
Unanimously, students recommended the floral design class. One student highlighted its relaxed nature, minimal workload, and the joy of working with flowers. “It’s super relaxing. It’s nice at the end of the day, and it’s not a lot of work,” expressed Beau.
All in all, the floral design class at Sonoma Valley High School is more than just a creative outlet. It serves as a way to understand nature and sprout creativity. Whether learning about different species, crafting holiday wreaths, or creating beautiful bouquets, students find themselves immersed in an enriching experience that goes beyond the confines of the classroom.