Slate 2 Wins Election
At this year’s Convention, Slate 2 succeeded in their bid to become the 2023-24 ASB officers. They ran on a campaign focusing on their extensive qualifications and diversity while vowing to make students feel safer on campus. They want to promote pride in their school to increase school spirit.
Slate 2 consists of Victoria Hernadez-Padilla as Student Voice, Deyanira Arteaga Hernadez for Activities Director, Financial Advisor as Connor Cheeseman, and Thinley Sherpa as Campaign Manager.
Held on March 8, Convention is an annual daylong event where student delegates representing states replicate the conventions of national political parties. Students vote for their ASB representatives, Student Voice, Financial Advisor, Activities Director, and during election season, Campaign Manager.
All of the candidates gave speeches that most students heard via the student broadcast of the event. Deyanira Arteaga Hernandez promised to make a “school-wide thrift store where 50% of profits go to charity and 50% to school events.” Later, Hernandez Padilla stated that SVHS needs students to be comfortable in their school environment in order for them to actually be able to show school spirit, as well SVHS needs a strong Latina leader for the student body. She later stated, “Sonoma can’t afford someone getting elected off of popularity right now,” which earned Hernadez Padilla many cheers from the crowd.
The audience was rapt by the on stage entertainment. Roles were reversed when Oliver Dorantes had his hair shaved by his fellow Slate members, a throwback to when Derek Hernandez had his hair shaved during last year’s event. Followed by many different events such as contests against the Slates, as well as songs that seniors Sam Cutting and Sam Mishra sang.
Runners up were Slate 3 made up of Mia Lucchetti Geniveve Smith, Annabel Sebastiani and lastly, Remy Harrison. Behind them, Slate 5 led by Ingrid Derby, Luis Cardenas, Briana Zenon and Cris Rivera. Slate 4 was the first to be eliminated, composed of Alexandra Franco, Alexandra Lucas-Lopez, Patricia Gomez and Roberto Aguilar.
After Victoria’s speech on possibly being the Student Voice, she discussed the Montgomery stabbing, urging delegates to be respectful during her talk. She told those attending the Convention of the walkout in Santa Rosa.
Breaking the past traditions of Convention, students that were attending classes were not allowed into Golton Hall, due to security and safety concerns.
Throughout the day, security guards took delegates to the fuzzy room. Glitter, shaving cream, lipstick and caution tape were used by fuzziers to decorate the delegates. Convention was staffed by the leadership class and seniors, organized by incumbent Slate 1. Additionally, Dragon’s Court, which consists of the top 15 highest academically ranked members of the senior class, asked candidate’s questions throughout the proceedings.
According to junior delegate Georgina Van Heerde, “Slate 2 [is] the most qualified and I trust them all the most to go outside of their job and actually care for the students.” Moving forward, Slate 2 hopes that the enthusiasm that helped them be elected will aid them in completing their goals for next school year.

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McKenna Finley • Aug 16, 2023 at 8:52 pm
What a great article! Slate two has continued to follow through on promises they made during their campaign. Great job Dragon’s Tale!