Springing into Spring Break
Spring break is a highly anticipated break for students at SVHS. This exciting time offers a chance to step away from the daily grind of school and unwind with family and friends. Whether traveling to new places, engaging in fun activities, or simply relaxing at home, spring break is a time to rejuvenate and recharge.
Asking the students of SVHS what their plans for the break were, we found that most students will be staying home.
Senior, Marley Sutter, stated she “will be staying in town working at the pool to make money.”
Another Senior, Noe Keliihoomalu, expressed, “I am staying home because I got a new job recently, but I probably will go see my boyfriend too.”
Junior, Trent Ohman, explained that he “will probably just end up going to the gym, but other than that, not much.”
Sophomore, Olivia Paxton, plans to play beach volleyball in Marin if the weather conditions are manageable and stay somewhat local.
Math teacher Mr. Anspach says he will “be home sitting on the couch playing video games.” Although the weather is rainy and cold, students will hopefully enjoy their time off school work. Hopefully, the days off in April will appoint warmer weather that students can take advantage of.

I am on varsity volleyball, continuing into my tenth year of playing, in my senior year. I am also president of the French Club where I also enjoy participating...

Hey y'all! I play varsity volleyball here at the highschool and spend most of my free time with friends! I am so excited to begin my journey as a writer...