Wacky Weather – Snow in Sonoma
In a surprising turn of weather events, the city of Sonoma recently experienced its first snowfall since 2011. The snow, which began falling in the early hours of the morning, blanketed the hills with a beautiful white layer that left locals and visitors alike in awe.
Temperatures dropped to the low 30s and residents of Diamond A and Sonoma Mountain both noted snowfall on February 23. The snow was measured at elevations above 1,500 feet and many students at SVHS adventured into the hills to investigate.
Many residents and visitors were caught off guard by the sudden snowfall, with some taking to social media to express their surprise and excitement. Images and videos of snow-covered streets and parks quickly spread online, as people shared their experiences of the unexpected snowfall. Sam Cutting, senior, who lives up in the hills of Diamond A, said, “I was doing homework at my desk and I looked outside and saw snow falling in my yard. It was super cool to see my neighborhood that I see every day covered in snow.”
Unfortunately, snowfall did not reach SVHS campus, however, the freezing breeze did. The cold air chilled students. Lia Jerry, junior, expressed that “the cold is terrible and very unpleasant to walk around campus in.”
Winter is still with us for a few more weeks.

I am on varsity volleyball, continuing into my tenth year of playing, in my senior year. I am also president of the French Club where I also enjoy participating...

Hey y'all! I play varsity volleyball here at the highschool and spend most of my free time with friends! I am so excited to begin my journey as a writer...