Play Preview: Clue and Cast
Behind the Little Theater’s curtains lays the set for the 2023 SVHS play: Clue. The play is based on the 1985 Paramount film that’s inspired by the Hasbro board game and is being put on by Ms. Martin and Mrs. Gorman. After four months of preparation, the play’s opening night is February 24, and will close up shop on March 5.
In the play, a remote mansion is filled with mysterious guests all invited to the same dinner party, but when their host turns up dead, they all become suspects in his murder. The play follows the characters as secrets unfold and they figure out who killed the host, how they did it, and why they did it.
“What is your favorite part about being in the play?”
Reina Gibbs, junior, playing Miss Scarlet

“Obviously the people. [They] play a really huge role in making the cast few like a family. There’s obviously some people left over from West Side Story (last year’s play) so we can still joke about that. And it’s kind of a jumping-off point, especially with the new people.”
“How did you decide to audition for Mrs. Peacock?”
Jace Chapin, senior, playing Mrs. Peacock

“It was mostly because I saw that people were trying out for other characters and I wanted to give the people making the cast more options. And I had the idea to make the character southern.”
“How did you get into theater?”
Rowan Winslow, senior, playing Mrs. White

“Freshman year, my sister was super into it; she was a senior. I went with her to the auditions for the Crucible. I wasn’t gonna tryout but she rose my hand for me and I just kinda was like “ya” and stuck with it.”

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