Winter Storms Continue to Sodden Campus

   Sonoma has been struck with record-breaking rainstorms, as well as thunder and lightning – proving to be a major flooding concern. The heavy rains are due to atmospheric rivers, a narrow windy region in the atmosphere that can hold tons of water. These are fairly common in California. This round of heavy rain has been around since the third week of December offering few breaks. 

   While school hasn’t been cancelled due to the storms, they have caused various problems around campus. One issue has been the Student and Creekside parking lots, flooding in low points, causing traffic in the mornings and rendering certain lanes one-way. Many after school activities have been cancelled, including after school detention and numerous sports games due to the heavy rainfall. 

   Another issue with the rain is the flooding of the art rooms. Historically the art rooms are the most susceptible classrooms to flooding, and this time is no different. Art teacher Ms. Kuprian explained that, “there was a quarter inch on the floors this Monday.” Kuprian went on to express her curiosity about the cause of the flooding in the art room specifically, but ended up chalking it up to bad engineering or faulty drainage holes. 

   In the past SVHS has flooded, with the most extreme case being in 2006 when school was shut down for a week and numerous classrooms were decimated. The flooding of Nathanson Creek spread throughout the campus and caused SVHS to call in a professional flood restoration company to repair the damage. Much like today, the art rooms flooded as well as the ground floor classrooms in the H Building were damaged in 2006 as well.

   As the rain continues, Mr. Mitchell, photography teacher, stated that, “campus custodians have been thoroughly placing sandbags around campus.” They have also been checking the pumping system. 

   For now, Ms. Kuprian is thankful for the sandbags placed near her doors, noting that the support from admin has been better than previous years. Mitchell went on to remark that “[administration] are very proactive this year – instead of reactionary.”