Homecoming Spirit Back in Full Swing

Filled with fun, football, and festivities, SVHS held its first unrestricted Homecoming Week since 2019. From Oct. 10 to 15, the halls were filled with excitement and Dragon Spirit for the week.

Spirit week kicked off Monday with Jersey Day. The campus was filled with students of all grades coming together, sporting their jerseys from the San Francisco Giants, Sonoma teams, past soccer endeavors, to name only a few teams.

 A spirited carnival and Twin Day entertained students on Tuesday. Previously held in the grass next to the football field, leadership placed this year’s carnival in the center of the school, next to Pfeiffer. The carnival had pinatas, balloon animals, hopscotch, cornhole, and face painting done by Popo the clown. 

The Powder Puff fundraiser  took place on Wednesday, with Senior girls playing against Junior girls with a $5 admission fee for attendees. Altogether, $1480 generated was donated to Breast Cancer Research Charity Production for October Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Juniors won the game 18-6. The boy Varsity Football dressed up as cheerleader and showed off their spirit, with cheers and dances during halftime. Underclassmen are excited about joining in on the tradition when they can, Van Clark, sophomore, reported he is looking forward to participating, “as a cheerleader.”

   Thursday was centered around getting excited for Friday, with the Fall Rally, Float Fest, and class colors as the spirit day. The Fall Varsity Teams performed dances, Homecoming court competed in games, and Seniors happily boo’d underclassmen in the dragon cheer. At Float Fest, after a month of preparation, the classes’ floats were unleashed and shown off to students and faculty on the basketball courts. Max Harrison and Cole Cingolani, Juniors, exclaimed, “Our favorite part of homecoming is the float parade!” Popular restaurant Picazzo had a food truck for students. People could be seen playing keep away, dancing along, and being dazzled by all the different floats. 

The school week finished off strong with a parade down Broadway, a rally at the Plaza, a spirit day for class seasons, and the football game. The parade featured classes and their floats, the football team, the cheerleaders, the Homecoming court, and the band. Ingrid Derby, Junior, shared, “My favorite part of homecoming is seeing the school spirit and how homecoming activities unify the classes.” The parade of floats led the crowd to the plaza rally at the amphitheater where the Homecoming court roasted each other, and the football team led the Sonoma cheer.  Additionally, the crowd celebrated the Parade’s Grand Marshals, Charles and Lauren Cotner, of Delicious Dish. 

With a few hours break, the school reconnected later that night at the football game. Losing the game 0-42 to the Petaluma Trojans, the highlight of the night was half time where the cheerleaders performed, the royalty was announced, and the classes marched across the track. After the third quarter, the Juniors were announced as the winners of the homecoming float contest. 

Closing off the week, the Homecoming Dance was the main attraction. Long lines awaited the doors to Pfeiffer Gym but when they walked through. They were met with a DJ blasting music, balloons, a photo booth, and a dance floor. Mosh pits formed, synchronized dancing, and crowd surfing certainly left students with an exciting night and memories to end a spirited homecoming week.