Countdown to Senior Week

This year, the senior class officers – Lauren Hengehold, Natalie Wetzel, Joe Gitti DiVitta, and Rollo Benstead – have put together the Senior Week agenda for the week of June 6th. Here is the schedule of activities for our graduating seniors!

Monday: Senior Send-off and memorial, all seniors attend school

Tuesday: Movie showing at Sebastiani Theater

Wednesday: Six Flags – busses provided 

Thursday: Senior BBQ at Field of Dreams

Friday: Senior Breakfast (9-10) , Graduation Rehearsal, Graduation (6-8)

The class officers were able to put together a fun week for the senior class, but not without some bumps in the road. Fundraising and transportation were the biggest issues for the officers. Finding enough buses to transport the large number of students and paying for it was very difficult. 

Preparing both Prom and Senior week was a large responsibility for the class officers, and the changing deadlines for approval of the activity schedule made it hard to fully prepare. Despite these difficulties, the plan is set and the seniors will be able to enjoy their last week of school with fun activities. 

Students participating in Senior Week will be expected to pay for a ticket, but more information will be released soon.