What to do when…
Covid Exposure Chart
Vaccinated: Positive Covid, Symptomatic | No School for 10 days, isolate for 5 days since symptoms developed. |
Unvaccinated: Positive Covid, Symptomatic | No School for 10 days, isolate for 5 days since symptoms developed. |
Vaccinated: Positive Covid, Asymptomatic | No school for 10 days. |
Unvaccinated: Positive Covid, Asymptomatic | No school for 10 days. |
Vaccinated: Covid Exposure | Go to School, distance from others for 10 days. Test after 5 days from exposure. |
Unvaccinated: Covid Exposure | No School for 5 days, distance from others for 10 days. Test after 5 days from exposure. |
Vaccinated & Boosted: Covid Exposure | Go to school, monitor symptoms, test after 5 days from exposure. |
About the Writers
Rue Gobbée
This is Rue Gobbée, reporting live as an SVHS senior. In my first year on the staff of the Dragon's Tale, I hope to add illustrations to the newspaper....
Elena Forrest
My name is Elena Forrest, and I am excited for a year of learning about journalism. This will be my first and final year writing for the Dragon's Tale...