Harriet Tubman New Face of $20 Bill

After Biden’s inauguration, he quickly signed 42 executive actions. One of which sped the process on the creation of  Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill. The redesign of the $20 bill was mentioned in 2016, but only after three years was a design actually created.

During Trump’s presidency there were concerns that the whole process would be eliminated, after rumors of Trump intending to keep his favorite president on the $20 bill. However, the Biden Administration has now chosen to continue the process.  

Students from SVHS are excited to hear that a black female abolitionist will be on the $20 bill “ it’s actually pretty cool that they’re putting a female on a twenty dollar bill considering it has never been done before,” said senior Adalai Nolazco. She thinks that women of color in the United States do not get enough recognition.

Continuing by saying that public schools’ history curriculum should be modified,  “we never hear about the females in power. I feel like we need to be taught more about women because all we ever hear about is men,” said Nolazco. 

Some believe that this was a start for much bigger, recognition. “ I think because she is not only the first woman but a black woman on one of the bills it is important to redesign the bill putting those who had made real change in terms of racism and slavery,” said one senior girl.

Other students felt that her story is poorly informed through public schools. “I think when I learned about Harriet Tubman the lesson was very brief compared to when I learned about other political activists,” claims another senior girl.

Nevertheless, this is a big occasion in the United States. Predictions have been made that by the year 2023, $20 bills will have Harriet Tubman on them.